
Traditional Hoop Dance Cultural Performance

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”  -Friedrich Nietzsche- 

Format:  Indigenous style hoop dance performance, live drumming and singing (contemporary and traditional style), native flute playing. Indigenous history, and storytelling.
Presented by:  Dallas Arcand 3x world champion hoop dancer. 
Time:  Available within traditional protocol standards.

The Dallas Arcand is a veteran hoop dancer for the past 28 years dancing at many pow-wow’s, ceremonies, and traditional gatherings. Selected and awarded as the top 20 most influential artists in Alberta. He has danced extensively across Canada and parts of the USA as a head dancer, fancy dancer, hoop dancer, and as an ambassador to the treaty 6 territory. Dallas is well known in the pow-wow scene for his achievements as a world champion hoop dancer and for his musical talents as a multi-award-winning producer and musician.


  • Option one: Hoop dance solo (with 13 to 20 hoops) only, which an emcee would introduce Dallas with a short bio and he will perform to the timing agreed upon within the schedule.
  • Option two: Hoop dance workshop and performance (with 13 to 28 hoops) and accompanied speech/introduction by Dallas Arcand in which he will explain the healing ceremony of hoop dancing and how it works with our Indigenous culture.
  • Option three: Head man dancer (mostly for pow-wow), which Dallas will lead in dancers into the grand entry at a pow-wow or special event ceremony.
  • Option four: Customizable performance suitable for any traditional Indigenous gathering of any North American Indigenous peoples. Dallas can do a variety of hoop dancing, speaking, playing the flute, drumming and singing (Indigenous style), choreographing/collaborating (with other types of performers/dancers/singers), or contemporary Indigenous style live music with acoustic instruments or EDM style performance as DJ krayzkree.

Indigenous Flute Musical Performance

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”

Format: Indigenous style live flute playing, ambiance nature mood music, live acoustic sound effects, and nature sounds.

Presented by: Dallas Arcand multi-award-winning flute player and recording artist. 

Time: 20, 40, and 60-minute sets are available.

The Dallas Arcand is a multi-award-winning recording artist with 4 full-length studio ‘flute’ albums with each album having nominations and awards granted. His catalogue of flute music is more than enough to accommodate any event, banquet, mixer, or gathering of any sort. The flute solo show comes fully equipped with special effects, loop pedals, Indigenous drums and acoustic sounds, a variety of many different flute(s) sounds, and mics.

Program and options:

  • 20-minute set: This would typically fit in well with a filler spot between headliner type acts and/or speakers within the programming. In which Dallas can perform up to 4 flute songs as well as an informative speech prior to each song to enlighten the audience with meaning and purpose to each of the Indigenous themed songs.
  • 5-minute set: Dallas will come and play one flute honour type song as a blessing and lesson about our connection to mother earth, with his rendition of a Mother Earth flute honour song. This format is not restricted to or reserved for only the ‘mother earth song’, it is also open for negotiation for client(s) needs and show theme. In addition, our client(s) also have options to choose any one of the 40 plus songs that are available in the catalogue.
  • 40-minute set: Full on flute musical performance with all the gear on deck which would include mic stands, different flutes, effects pedals, enhanced sound, loop pedal, drumming and percussion, and up to 10 flute songs. This format would be best suited for: dinner banquet, business mixer, a meditation (or yoga) session, or music festival type audiences.
  • 60-minute set: Flute ambiance concert suitable to any audience of any age, gender, nationality, culture, or socio-economic occupation. This would include full-on sound, video accompaniment, effects pedal, loop pedal, mics and stands, different flutes,

Corporate Venues Cultural Performance

“Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.” -Albert Einstein- 

Format: Indigenous style hoop dance performance, live drumming and singing (contemporary and traditional style), native flute playing. Indigenous history, and storytelling.

Presented by: Dallas Arcand 3x world champion hoop dancer and multi-award-winning music recording artist

Time: Customizable to client(s) request which can range from 5 to 45 minutes in length within scripted programming.

The Dallas Arcand show has been existence for the past 20 years awarding him the top 20 most influential artists award in Alberta. He has toured extensively across Canada in everything from the Government special events to conferences, touring across Canada by train (CP 150 tour) and the gold medal plates tour, Calgary Stampede grandstand show, business summits, and the Olympics 2010 world stage opening ceremonies.


  • Option one: Hoop dance (with 13 to 20 hoops) only, which an emcee would introduce Dallas with a short bio and he will perform to the timing agreed upon within the schedule.
  • Option two: Hoop dance (with 13 to 20 hoops) and accompanied speech/introduction by Dallas Arcand in which he will explain hoop dancing and Indigenous culture in a concise informative speech.
  • Option three: Native flute followed by a hoop dance performance, in which Dallas will start the performance by playing/performing a live flute honour song (mother earth song) then transition into full out hoop dance (with 13 to 20 hoops).
  • Option four: Customizable performance in which Dallas can do a variety of hoop dancing, speaking, playing the flute, drumming and singing (Indigenous style), choreographing (with other types of performers), or contemporary Indigenous style live music with acoustic instruments or EDM style performance as DJ krayzkree.

Festival Type Hoop Dance Performance

“Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.” -John Lennon-

Format: Indigenous style hoop dance performance, with live drumming and singing (contemporary and traditional style), native flute playing. Indigenous history, and cultural origins interpretation.

Presented by: Dallas Arcand 3x world champion hoop dancer and multi-award-winning music recording artist.

Time: 20 or 40-minute sets are available in accordance with the festival.

The Dallas Arcand shows have been in its evolution for the past 20 years awarding him the top 20 most influential artists award in Alberta. He has toured extensively across Canada in everything from the Circus to conferences, travelling portable retractable stages (CP 150 tour), mainstream festivals, the Calgary Stampede grandstand show, major concert venues and the Olympics world stage.

His festival-type show and performance haven proven to captivate any audience around the country and in many parts of the world. This format of show/performance is a unique combination of Indigenous style hoop dancing, drumming and singing, native flute playing, and traditional storytelling.



  • Introduction and interpretation of Indigenous musical sounds with a performance of the drum honour song and the flute mother earth song.
  • One hoop integrated traditional grass (prairie) dance, which Dallas will interpret and perform with a hoop grass dance style (blessing the ground). All dancing will be to sound of pre-recorded traditional/contemporary Indigenous music.
  • The original style of hoop dance with the basic five hoops that demonstrates the intricate combinations of hoop formations within the dance. All dancing will be to sound of pre-recorded traditional/contemporary Indigenous music.
  • 20 hoops Northern style Cree style hoop dancing with very impressive large formations such as the bear, the buffalo, the eagle, the whirlwind, and the butterfly… All in which are of the hoop dance story.
  • Akeymemoh (to persevere) EDM style song: an inspirational performance about multiculturalism with the music of DJ krayzkree ‘Future Generations’.

School Lecture, Presentation, and Performance

“And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people as one of many hoops that made one circle”
-Black Elk-

Format: Indigenous style hoop dance demonstration, drumming and singing, native flute playing, lecture on topics involving Indigenous history, and cultural origins presentation.
Presented by: Three-time world champion hoop dancer: Dallas Arcand

Time: 30 to 60 minute depending on scheduling with classes.

Our ancestors always lived off of the land and were in balance with the seasons as they changed. Indigenous peoples of their continents and countries had to be master stewards of the land, its ecosystem, knowledge of medicine plants, herbs, natural foods, and animal proteins. The circle of life teaches us and reveals our sacred connections to the world around us, the energies in divine beings, and about balance of the universe.

This school type format will focus on educating and engaging students in learning about Indigenous culture pertaining to North American history. Dallas Arcand will demonstrate, explain, and share collective knowledge about the protocols involved and associated with Indigenous culture. This presentation will emphasize the connections Indigenous culture has to the land, the correlations in the natural world and how we utilize organic elements for our everyday lives.


  • Introduction and interpretation to Indigenous musical sounds with a performance of the drum honor song and the flute mother earth song.
  • One hoop and circle philosophy explained in which Dallas will interpret and perform with his hoop skills and knowledge. In addition, Dallas will be sharing knowledge about medicine wheel teachings and how they work.
  • The story and history of 13 hoops in which Dallas will first tell the story and Indigenous knowledge that’s connected to the moon cycle and the medicine wheel teachings.
  • Performance in which Dallas will dance, perform, and demonstrate Indigenous style hoop dancing to traditional powwow music.
  • Question and answer time adding to the conclusion of the performance.
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